How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People .

There are many areas to concentrate on to increase self confidence level as well as power in social situations. These include the following:

Self-Awareness: It is essential to know yourself, find areas of strength as well as weaknesses and areas of aggravation. What has worked in the past should be relied on.

Body Language: Open your body but be assertive. Have direct eye contact, don’t slump your shoulders, and do not fold your hands.

Active Listening: Actually listen to other people to take genuine interest in them. This helps in assuring them which helps in providing a more effective response later.

Clear Communication: Try to make your point straight to avoid many misunderstandings. Try to formulate your ideas clearly out loud.

Practice Empathy: Make an effort to understand how others think and what may be causing them to behave the way they do. Not only will this help you to defer better but help to improve relationships.

Set Boundaries: It is wise to know your boundaries and express them to other

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